A device that monitors your brain waves and wakes you up at the correct point in a sleep cycle before a predetermined time. Some mornings you'd get more time, some less, but you'd set the predetermined time to get you to work before your boss got mad! I know that it's possible to monitor brain waves by wearing a silly hat with wires in it, but is it possible to measure brain activity remotely? e.g. a sensor at the head of the bed. This would make the device more suitable because I don't want to go to sleep in a hat (it make you bald).
Sunday, 16 December 2007
The perfect alarm clock
A device that monitors your brain waves and wakes you up at the correct point in a sleep cycle before a predetermined time. Some mornings you'd get more time, some less, but you'd set the predetermined time to get you to work before your boss got mad! I know that it's possible to monitor brain waves by wearing a silly hat with wires in it, but is it possible to measure brain activity remotely? e.g. a sensor at the head of the bed. This would make the device more suitable because I don't want to go to sleep in a hat (it make you bald).
Saturday, 15 December 2007
USB spy chopper
The idea comes from the picooz, a mini remote controlled helicopter, which looks like a fun present. The only problem is, once you're flown it once, it looks like it'll be a little boring. What I want is a picooz with some function. Enter choppercam. The only problem is that this is a little expensive.
So what I want is a picooz with built-in wireless webcam. The picooz is flown via software on your computer (laptop for ease of transport) and charged via a usb base station (with transmitter/receiver) - possibly through induction so no connector (usb charged means no ridiculous number of AA batteries!). Rather than looking at the chopper while it's flying, you fly based on what you see via the webcam on your computer screen.
I would suggest two flight modes, one gives free control. Under the other, the chopper hovers until it receives an instruction from the following list:
- ascend/decend Xcm
- advance/retreat Xcm
- turn Xo clockwise/anticlockwise
The flying software would have a battery level indicator allowing the pilot to return from the covert mission before falling out of the air.
Of course the usb-RC concept could be extended to:
- infra-red/foam dart battling copters
- RC cars, tanks (infra-rad/foam dart), boats, robots, planes, submarines etc
- some kind of plane with a bomb-bay door that would allow dropping eggs!

Synthesiser vs robot musicians
The robot can have more fingers than we have, one for each string/fret combination on the guitar, one for each hole on the flute. The robot guitarist would also have one plectrum for every string. This would allow the robot to play the instrument faster than humans can. Doing what a synthesiser does, but with real sound.
Communication with people you don't know
- To people who catch the N35 bus
- To people who vote republican
- To people who like chocolate
So how would you find what posts to look at? You would enter your details (confidentially) to the site (e.g. address, company, interests) and using categories, the most relevant posts to you would flag up when you log in (or digest via email). e.g. if you entered a New York address, all posts that were "To: The inhabitants of New York" would flag on your account.
Of course, this site would allow anonymous posting so people would not be afraid of posting controversial questions.
How's my driving?
Whilst this site is likely to upset some people who repeatedly get negative comments about their driving, it would provide a non-violent outlet for road-rage and might even encourage people to improve their driving.
The site would be ad-funded with the most common clients including motoring organisations (AA or RAC) and car insurance.
The site would allow anonymous posting so people were not afraid of retaliation when making a post.
Database design
I will confess to knowing next to nothing about database design, but the concept interested me. Whenever I have to make a telephone call or send an email to my bank or mobile phone company I wonder what information they hold.
If I were to design the system, I would break the information down as follows:
Standing info e.g. name, address, date of birth
Event data (for each phone call/email) e.g. person it relates to, staff member, date, time, what standing info changed [automatic], notes, files e.g. recording of telephone calls, copies of emails, scanned in correspondence
Actions e.g. instructions of what to do, status
I also wonder how many government databases are there? How many times is my name and address recorded. Is it possible to consolidate this information? Would it be possible to have different functional departments with access to different information? e.g. doctors can't find out about points of driving licence, tax inspectors can't find out about education record, but both can see home address.
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Citizen entrapment
Online banking
Truism of the day
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Oral/Computer RPG
A hybrid system would use computers to model aspects of the games, but not the entire world.
Ideally this would use a laptop with accessory screen/projector allowing the DM to switch of the main screen to edit the world and see character stats.
For example, the DM narates the story of the characters travelling. He then clicks a button on the computer (a random encounter test). If the party meets the encounter, the DM loads the encounter with pre-designed scenery and monsters. The players can then see what they're fighting and the environment they're fighting in.
Another advantage of this system is that stats could be modelled as numbers without the player knowing the exact number. Each stat would have description brackets so the DM can communicate with the PCs without letting them know the numbers. e.g. Strength 1-5 => pitifully low.
Are we learning as a society?
What is more efficient, private sector or public sector, centralised or decentralised?
What is better, the carrot or the stick?
Society swings from one side to another: after witnessing the inefficiencies of public sector bureaucracy it cries out for competition. Then, after experiencing the corruption of the private sector it remembers the fond old days of the honest civil servant.
Perhaps it is appropriate to swing: change is good. But is change not inefficient?
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Nepotism and corruption
The solution to small phone screen size
The solutions to this are either a folding screen (not sure how feasible this is) or video glasses. My preference would be for the latter. I was reading the other day about video glasses that can be seen through, but have a small screen near the eye. The article suggested that this was equivalent to looking at a 42" screen. Sounds good to me.
My video glasses would be part of a bluetooth two-ear headset that allowed the glasses to pivot up onto the head for when you just want to listen to music through your headphones. The phone would still have a screen for normal functions, but would largely live in my pocket.
The question is, how do you control the computer when you can't see your hands (without extensive eye refocusing) and you don't want to carry around a keyboard and mouse?
Mouse function: I think a ball with motion and pressure sensors would do the trick. You rotate the ball in your had and this results in mouse motion on the screen. You squeeze the ball and you get a click.
Keyboard function: Perhaps some motions sensing gloves that would allow you to type in mid-air by showing you your fingers relative to a keyboard on the screen.
Handwriting recognition: The phone would be a palm-sized pad that corresponds to the dimensions of the screen in the glasses. The position sensing of the stylus relative to the pad moves the cursor on the screen. Touching the stylus to the pad is equivalent to a mouse click. Doing the same whilst pressing a button on the pad (or stylus) is equivalent to a left mouse click. Writing on the pad translates to text on the screen.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Is it possible to make every activity constructive?
The cameras were:
The Triops
The chopper cam
The crow cam
And some fibre optic camera that allowed you to look through small holes (I've lost the link though!)
Tags vs folders
This works best with the kind of mouse-over menu that opens the folder beneath when the mouse is hovered over. For example, the site wikipedia.org would be tagged in my bookmarks both as "reading" (i.e. something to do when bored!) and "reference". When I hover over the "reading" tag it displays a list with wikipedia in it, and also when I hover over the "reference" tag. Wikipedia would also be tagged as a "wiki" a sub-tab with my tag "website design" (because I might want examples of wikis as inspiration for my website design). When I hover over "website design" it gives me a list of sub-tags and links in that tag. I then move the mouse over to hover over the sub-tag "wikis" and there again is wikipedia.
Invention first helps the oppressor, then helps the oppressed
-install CCTV in our homes
-carry cameras to photograph anything we see
-keep copies of all our correspondence
Make ourselves informed
-be aware of who the most powerful people are
Maintain channels of communication
-we must have anonymous means of reporting abuses of power to the rest of the public, both through new media and old
Effects of violence course
Would it work? I don't know, I'm not a psycologist. But I think perhaps it could shock some of those kids out of the path they might otherwise follow.
Thursday, 11 October 2007
The geek shall inherit
Monday, 10 September 2007
Virtual shopping
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Selective memory
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Of chickens, eggs and god
Debt to your children
Heterogeneity through choice
Sunday, 19 August 2007
After life
If we maintain our physical form, is that the form we have at death, do we age or change further? Or is it our physical form at peak physical condition? Will it be warts and all?
If it is only the mental/spiritual, will we not be very different to our mental/spiritual side in real life that is so much influenced by the physical?
Perhaps we should strive in life to isolate that which is the spiritual/mental side from the physical side and its influences.
Commuter trains
Whilst all rail stations are connected by the tube, a cross London journey requires changing on the tube and perhaps changing the tube line once or twice, probably not the optimum solution. So what would we design if we were tasked with designing a city transport infrastructure today?
I think I would have all trains coming into one fairly inner ring and going round most if not all of the ring. Or other services that come into the city, round half of the ring and out of the other side. Obviously the ring would need to be several tracks wide to accomodate all the trains, but there would be no need for a dedicated ring service, as so many trains would be traveling the ring.
I have produced a rather basic diagram below to illustrate the point (on the left is a terminus system, on the right is a ring system):
The mobile internet revolution
Savings accounts, current accounts and moving money
I suggest having all your money in one account, but being able to "lock" a certain portion of it for a certain length of time (i.e. unable to use without a fee). The interest rate you get is proportional to the amount you have "locked". This way banks get their cash to play with, and I get my interest.
Obviously, this would only really work well with online accounts where it's easy to log in an "lock" your money. The bank site could have a bar chart showing each portion that is locked, what date it is locked to, and the interest rate it is getting.
Pub names
Team loyalty (the new nationalism)
Perhaps the obvious answer is to deprofessionalise it and relocalise it. Have teams made up of people who live and work near the stadium and fans that know the players.
Whilst this is unlikely to happen another possibility is to have hybrid teams in particular competitions where the hybrid is the best possible team of several teams that are drawn out of the hat. For example, imagine there are teams named A through I. In the normal season all of these teams playing in a league. In the hybrid season, team ABC may play DEF etc. And the next random season, BGI may play CDF etc. As people will always be cheering on people from other teams, the opportunity to create grudges and bigotry is reduced.
Whites of the eye
Another interesting aspect of the whites of the eye is that they make it easier to see where the eye is pointing; to make eye contact. It is harder to make eye contact with other animals as it harder to tell where they are actually looking. Perhaps the advantage of eye contact is communication and hence it evolved through group selection.
Train phone mode
Sunday, 5 August 2007
Why I'm writing a blog
Is religion a symptom or cause?
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
All good things come to an end
Net worth
Saturday, 4 August 2007
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
Being special
Solar power
Keeping on a short leash
Monday, 30 July 2007
Freedom of speach and the preservation of data
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I suffer from the illusion that life is more complex than this; some do what many consider wrong in a clear state of mind not clouded by anger. Perhaps the biggest evil is the level headed judgement of cause and effect, profit and loss, greatest good for the greatest number.
[N.B. please excuse the sexual stereotyping, I merely relay the image in my mind]
Distinguishing parties
- efficiency
- priorities
Stewardship of possessions
Rot at the top
Alternatively, the incentive could be having lots and lots of power to make sweeping changes, this way the businessman gains prestige invaluable to his/her future career.
Using your powers
The Leaky Website
Although the Freedom of Information Act is good, journalists need to know what to FOI. The other side of this website would be people who work in government suggesting what to FOI.
All requests and suggestions would be tagged with themes and organisation names, making the site searchable, and allowing automated email to people interested. People could submit the organisation the work for, for example, and receive an update on all journalist requests for information.
The website should also provide guidance on how to leak (e.g. remailers, web anonymisers, etc) and the risks (e.g. info in the Official Secrets Act).
Some of these ideas are being implemented at Wikileaks.
Five pillars of government
- transparency
- adversion to knee-jerk decisions
- simplification
- consultation of the front line
- less is more (i.e. stop meddling in the civil service)