I'd like a desk where the entire surface was illuminated with a diffused backlight glow, controllable with a dimmer switch. It would probably be good for SAD.
If you get the sense from reading this blog that I like to think, and you believe that my kind of thinking might be useful to you or your organisation, please get in touch. I offer free consultancy for startups, delivered via email and instant messaging.
This blog is a hotchpotch of my thoughts, opinions, reviews, analysis of idioms, and links to articles that I have come across on my travels.
I would like to write a comprehensive philosophy or metareligion, but I haven't got the motivation. Likewise, I would like to write a book analysing sayings, idioms, phrases, quotes etc.
Coming features Wireless charging Fat % monitor Gun Flexible screens Touch payment system
Suggested features Augmented reality headset type games Fan Handwriting recognition pen that bluetooths data to phone and slots into the phone to charge (if necessary, the phone sits at the top of the page to calibrate) GPS pet collar that uses mobile network to inform owner of location, charged by pet's movement/solar power FM transmitter
Selling points Style Features Size Weight Cost Feature generation methodology All electronic devices All portable devices All human activities