Friday, 30 April 2010

Two half-watches

I thought of an interest concept for a watch: two hald-watches. One tells the minutes, one tells the hour. They could be digital or analogue. You could wear them one on each wrist, or both on the same wrist. They could be designed to slot together in a complimentary shape. They could operate entirely independently, or communicate (and synchronise) wirelessly.

SIM cards

Why do we need SIM cards? Why can't we just log into the phone in the same way we log into a computer?

Automating invention

This thought follows from my earlier one about biomorphs. Invention, at least by some of the accounts I have read, is about making links between previously unconnected thoughts, concepts, theories, problems, needs, wants, technologies etc. If you can get enough of these into a database, then it can stimulate the kind of thinking that may lead to innovation. For example, the software randomly selects a technology and a problem, then the innovator needs to think about how that technology can be used to solve that problem. The software will not create the innovation (not for a few years of AI development), but it can help people to. This idea has already been done to an extent with The Prior-Art-O-Matic.

Biomorphs - artificial selection in design

I was intrigued by the biomorph idea described in Richard Dawkin's the Blind Watchmaker. But what I'm disappointed by is the little evidence I find of this kind of artificial selection in design. What is great about this biomorph method is that is introduces randomness that the designer might not think of, but can instantly recognise as valuable. It is fundamentally applicable to any kind of design, as long as we can build the software and the right kind of rules (not too restrictive, not too random).

Some possible areas: art, (e.g. taken a existing picture/photo and mutate), logos, videos, music,wallpaper patterns, architecture, etc

Advanced users would be given lots of control over the rules used to mutate.

Monday, 12 April 2010

A purpose for the human race

to promote the continued existence of intelligent life

Magnifying glass app

I wonder if a smart phone could be used as a magnifying glass, using the camera and a zoomed-in image on the screen. It would perhaps be useful for people who are visually impaired.