Monday 1 July 2013

A thought on databases

Relational databases can become complex quickly due to the number of tables required to map all the relationships. It occurs to me that a simple structure might look as follows:
  • 1 table for each class of data (where each record will share the same fields)
  • 1 table defining relationships (recording the definition of the relationship between records)
  • 1 relationship table (recording all the relationships)
Under this model, the number of database tables would be equal to the number of classes of data + 2.

Here's a simple example to illustrate the point:

Relationship table
ID Class Relationship ID ID Class
1618 People 7348 1234 Company
9371 People 0829 5678 Company

Companies table (a class of data about companies)
ID Company name Company registration number
1234 Blob inc. 555-666
5678 Yodle inc. 314159

People table (a class of data about people)
ID First name Second name
1618 Albus Dumbledore
9373 Michael Jackson

Defining relationships table
ID Relationship name
0829 is employee of
7348 is shareholder of

This structure should facilitate all of the necessary queries. For example, a query of all the employees of a company.

A key feature is the directionality of the relationship: i.e. from A to B.

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